Monday, January 3, 2011

This New Years (2011) Change Your Life! The many benefits of the HCG Weight Loss Diet

New Years resolutions tend to be about making positive big changes in one’s life.  That could be getting healthier, changing their appearance, changing their emotional outlook, losing weight or improving financial rewards. Changing your life could mean making several resolutions, but finding ones you can stick to is how you can ensure you will succeed. Well now you can attain all of those new years resolution goals through one powerful lifestyle diet, the HCG. 

HCG is quickly gaining recognition for its ability to help with weight loss, and for many people utilizing this weight loss program are discovering that there are additional benefits as well.   Although the FDA has not yet approved the hormone for use as a weight loss product, many physicians are recommending it to their patients and weight loss clinics specializing in HCG weight loss treatments are becoming more common.

What is the HCG Diet?
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, the hormone produced by pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy. Research suggests a small, daily HCG injection, (approx. 125 IU to 200 IU) results in a weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs per day, and often more, when accompanied by a VLCD (very low calorie diet of approx 500 calories).  HCG Pellets, for under the tongue, and or Oral under the tongue drops are alternatives to the injections, for those who do not want to subject themselves to a needle to lose weight. 
The New Healthier Lifestyle Benefits with Immediate & Sustained Weight Loss
There is no waiting around for pounds to drop in a couple of weeks; dieters see pounds dropping off in the first week of the diet.  Once the HCG program cycle is complete, there is a maintenance phase plan that is taught to individuals on the HCG program that will ensure there is not devastating and unavoidable resurgence of the weight as soon as the diet is complete.  The maintenance phase plan is a phase in which dieters allow their systems to readjust to life on a higher caloric intake. A new, healthier lifestyle: most dieters find that their adherence to the limited list of approved foods leaves them with newly acquired tastes for strange and foreign substances like steamed asparagus, raw fruit, and water. It makes a huge difference for long-term health.

The Body Sculpting Benefits of HCG Treatments
Many of the people that are using HCG to help them lose weight are finding that the hormone helps with the reshaping of their body’s as well. Unlike many weight loss programs that only help with losing weight, HCG appears to help contour the body and decrease the circumference of the body. HCG also helps tone common problem areas, such as reducing the amount of fat deposited in double chins and getting rid of potbellies. HCG also appears to help rejuvenate structural fat, which helps make the hands, neck, and face look refreshed.

Individuals on the HCG diet are also supposed to follow a low calorie diet of only 500 calories per day. Without the help of HCG, a diet consisting of this few calories can results in a loss of muscle mass. Those on HCG, however, do not experience this side effect. In addition, the hormone appears to actually reduce the appetite, which makes it easier to adhere to the 500-calorie diet.

The Health and Medical Benefits of the HCG Diet
Excess weight increases your risk of developing a number of chronic conditions, including high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Although your ultimate goal should be to reach and maintain a healthy weight, even a 5-percent weight loss can yield immediate results and decrease your risk of developing obesity-related chronic diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Obviously, shedding extra pounds will help improve the overall health of a person on the HCG diet. Researchers also believe that taking HCG helps to normalize the cholesterol levels of those on the diet. In addition, the hormone appears to help normalize the thyroid gland and balance the hormones while rebuilding the adrenaline glands.

The Emotional and Social Benefits of the HCG Diet
Losing weight makes your life much more convenient.  Not only is it easier to move around and perform everyday tasks, such a cleaning house, playing with your kids, personal grooming, it is also convenient and fun to be able to go shopping at the clothing places you always wanted to shop at.  People on the HCG diet also routinely report experiencing less irritability and generally feeling in a better mood. This lift in spirits seems to continue throughout the entire treatment period. Patients also report having more restful sleep, which may be partially responsible for the improved mood. Similarly, patients report feeling more energized while undergoing the therapy. This may be attributed to the improvement in sleep, the loss of excess weight, and the positive impact HCG has on the adrenaline glands.

The Financial and Economic Benefits of the HCG Diet
Losing weight means taking a load off your pocketbook too.  You won’t have to buy extra plane, train or bus tickets to accommodate your body, or buy special furniture.  The medical benefits of weight loss can also lower your cost of health care.

Dr. Ester S Mark, Orange County's TOP Internal Medicine Physician, Anti-Aging & Wellness Specialist and owner of Beauty Mark Wellness Center in Laguna Hills says “After the holiday feasting, many people find it easy to include a resolution to lose weight.” “The HCGHCG would be enough to make this hormone worth taking.   Regardless of which benefit makes the difference, the encompassing nature of the benefits of HCG weight loss means you are sure to win. 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day is phenomenal.  Sustained weight loss and an improved lifestyle is a huge benefit. However, with the many additional benefits that the HCG hormone appears to have, it makes the HCG weight loss program a great solution for anyone looking to lose weight to consider.

For additional information on the HCG weight loss program and Dr. Ester S Mark, please visit her online at

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