Thursday, January 20, 2011

A New Year, A New You! Improve the quality of your life!

A New Year, A New You!  
Improve the Quality of Your Life this year!

So you have survived the holiday season, but have you recovered from the stress?

Often times the holiday season brings added stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and depression. While you have taken care of making the perfect holiday for friends, family and loved ones, you may find that you are left feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and depressed after the holiday demands. Now is the time to take care of you.  

The New Year has started along with the many resolutions of change. For many people, the desire to get healthy, lose weight, and live a happy and fulfilling life are common resolutions that all too often seem to take the back seat to the everyday daily grind.

Dr. Ester S. Mark, of BeautyMark Wellness Center in Laguna Hills, says that even though you have survived the holidays, having an effective wellness strategy is essential for staying healthy and getting back on track with your quest for optimal health. Taking care of you is the key to maintaining personal health and wellness. Often mistaken for selfishness or neglecting others, self-care is really an act of love. Everyone depending on you benefits when you take care of yourself. Being healthy and relaxed will make it easier to accomplish all the wonderful New Year resolutions and goals that you have set forth for yourself.

Are you aware that we get toxins from everywhere?

The air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, skin care, make-up, household products we use, clothes we wear, anything we touch? If you get frequent colds, mood changes, nervousness, headaches, constipation, insomnia or backaches, these might be symptoms of toxicity.

Dr. Mark offers the following suggestions for you to gradually start taking the simple steps necessary to significantly boost your personal wellness and happiness.


After a stressful holiday season and over indulging in drinking alcohol, comfort holiday foods and sweets, we need some extra help to  detox our bodies, and help support our liver and cleanse our blood and  lymphatic system. The stress most people undergo daily disrupts the natural harmony of the body’s metabolic system and leads to a serious malfunction of  vital organs.  This triggers further slowdown of the digestive system and can cause the undigested food to accumulate throughout the abdominal section.  These factors all together are the leading causes of the obesity that appears as abdominal bloating, bulky belly and love handles.

Dr. Mark suggests that you implement the following Detox tips if you want to look and feel fabulous and have a happy and healthy new year!

1.     Drink more water

2.    Take a  Detox Herb Supplement such as Baebbe
3.    Incorporate Cleansing Herbs such as Milk Thistle twice a day –
(The active compound in  this antioxidant herb is silymarin, which helps to repair liver, remove  alcohol, metals and pesticides from the body.)

4.     Incorporate more Detoxifying Foods into your diet,
such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, garlic, parsley, celery,  watercress, dandelion greens, turnips, avocados, radishes, bell peppers, and cranberries to support the liver.

5.     Incorporate more Fiber Rich Foods
such as lentils, beans, grains, and fruits to get rid of constipation and eliminate toxins.

6.    Incorporate more Lean protein
(wild caught salmon or other fish, organic chicken) is rich in amino acids to 
prepare toxins for elimination.
Get More Rest and Sleep

The exhaustion and the added stress in your life from the holiday season can often times lead to insomnia or an interruption in your normal sleep patterns.  This can cause a vicious cycle of fatigue during the days and sleepless nights.

Dr. Ester Mark recommends exercise and sleep: both good antidotes for stress, insomnia and fatigue. She also recommends the tonic herb Ashwagandha to prevent these health problems.

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian  Ginseng, is a medicinal herb used in traditional Indian medicine for thousands  of years. Ashwagandha has numerous medicinal uses including treating anxiety and stress, increasing immunity, treating insomnia and reducing inflammation. Recently, the Ashwagandha herb has gained in popularity in the  United States for its use as an immune-system strengthener, stress reliever  and calming tonic. It is believed to restore energy, vitality and mental function. Other traditional Ashwagandha benefits include preventing cancer, treating senile dementia, enhancing sexual function in men, increasing  fertility, inducing sleep and enhancing physical performance in sports,  although all evidence is anecdotal and no supporting scientific studies exists  to support these claims. The plant's leaves and bark are also sometimes applied externally to sores and swollen, inflamed skin.

For additional information on the Improving the Quality of your life, and Dr. Ester S Mark,
please visit her online at

BeautyMark Wellness Center, 23521 Paseo de Valencia, Ste 310, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Phone: (949) 600-7714 Fax: (949) 600-7715


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